CDE Announcements Archive
2023–24 First Quarter Deliverables for WIOA, Title II (sent October 19, 2023)
2023–24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)
Dear Adult Educator:
We’ve started the new program year off with a strong start! Thank you for your dedication and hard work getting your adult education programs, and students, well underway with their activities. The beginning of October marks the start of the second quarter and the anticipation of the due date for several first quarter WIOA, Title II: AEFLA deliverables. Earlier this month, the Adult Education Office (AEO) hosted over 175 attendees during the 2023 New Administrator Orientation (NAO). We were pleased to see such a strong turnout for all three days of the event. We are continuing to add resources and post updates for training materials to assist new administrators. New grantees are encouraged to reach out to other local grantees, AEO staff, and to our state leadership partner colleagues, should there still be questions on various activities or deliverables. While the information presented at NAO is not new, the materials are available for all grantees.
Here are some important updates to share with you:
- Grant Award Notifications and Grant Budgets
- First Quarter Expenditure Claims
- Other First Quarter Deliverables
- NAO Resources
- Entity Identifier Renewals
- Fiscal Staff Updates
Grant Award Notifications (GAN) and Grant Budgets are past due. If you have not yet completed these deliverables, or requested an extension, please do so now. A posted received date for the hardcopy GAN and an approved Grant Budget are required to access the First Quarter Expenditure Claim (ECR) module within the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site (login required). Thousands of signed award notification are received at the California Department of Education (CDE) during this time of year and occasionally something gets inadvertently misrouted. If your hardcopy GAN is not yet showing as posted, please let your CDE Fiscal Analyst know so we can check on that for you.
The First Quarter ECR module is now open. First quarter claims are due by Tuesday, October 31, 2023. Grantees should review the updated ECR Guidelines before beginning the ECR. While a budget revision in the first quarter is unexpected, the ECR includes the ability to make a budget revision. If needed, update the budget column prior to entering expenditures to reduce error messages. The First Quarter ECR is an electronic only deliverable; a hardcopy is not required.
New staff and administrators may find the document entitled, Completing an Expenditure Claim Report (last revised 7/2023) helpful. Access this document and other helpful step by step guides directly from the Resources menu within the reporting site.
- First Quarter Data, TOPSpro® Enterprise
- California English Literacy and Civics Education Objectives and Additional Assessment Plans (COAAP)
- First Quarter Data Integrity Report
- Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey
These electronic only deliverables are due October 31, 2023. For further information, please visit the CDE WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2023–24 web page.
Upcoming action items are also located within the WIOA Dashboard on the reporting site. For deliverables reflecting missing or incorrect dates, please contact the appropriate agency listed in the “Submit To” for correction.
Materials and resources from this month’s orientation for new grantees and administrators can be found through the Canvas Course (no login required) and from the Resources menu within the reporting site. All grantees are encouraged to check out the materials. Video recordings of the presentation are still being processed and will be posted as soon as they are available.
To maintain compliance with federal regulations, the Adult Education Office will not be making reimbursements against ECRs if the Expiration Date is showing as expired within our reporting site. Use this direct link to enter your updated renewal information: UEI Renewal Tool.
Obtain your updated expiration dates from your point of contact within your agency. In many K–12 school districts, a fiscal or administrative office will maintain this registration on behalf of the entire district. If you are not sure who your point of contact is, please contact the Adult Education Office by email at for further assistance.
The Adult Education Support Office will be experiencing several staff transitions in the coming weeks. Janet Morrison, a dedicated Fiscal Analyst who has supported California’s adult education programs for over two decades, will be transferring to a new program within our division at the beginning of November. We are also welcoming a new analyst to our fiscal team later this month and will share more details on that soon.
This is one of the busiest periods for fiscal activities at the California Department of Education. Our office is still processing claims from last fiscal year while adding in new claims for the current year. While we do not anticipate delays due to staff transitions, we do appreciate your patience and are looking forward to assisting you should have a need to contact us.
If you have any questions, please contact the AEO by email at or by phone at (916) 322-2175.
Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education
This message was sent to the email addresses associated with the following titles: Superintendent/College President/Chief Executive Officer; Adult Education Director; Fiscal Manager; and the Other Primary Contact. To update your agency contacts, please visit the California Adult Education Application and Reporting Website at Once you have signed in, navigate to "Agency Contacts" to review and update your information as necessary.
This message was sent by the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN), a leadership project for Adult Education in California. OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223.