CDE Announcements Archive
January Reminders (sent January 25, 2024)
2023–24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)
Dear Adult Educator:
Our last email dated January 5, 2024, is full of many topics for upcoming noteworthy activities. If you missed it, a copy of the message is available in the Email Archives. As we inch closer to the end of the month, this message is to push three of those activities to the top of your list of reminders.
Second Quarter Deliverables are due next week, Wednesday, January 31, 2024. This includes the Second Quarter Expenditure Claim. Make necessary budget adjustments within the claim by updating the budget column prior to entering expenditures.
Agency response to the 2024–25 Program Year Inquiry by Wednesday, January 31, 2024, will assist the Adult Education Office (AEO) with preparing for next year’s funding calculations. Access the Survey web page within the WIOA Navigation menu of the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site (reporting site) to submit your agency’s response. The AEO recommends the Adult Education Director or someone with the role of an Approver complete the Inquiry.
The Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) portal opened January 2, 2024. Access the CIP information from the WIOA Navigation Menu of the reporting site. The Word version of the CIP Guide is available for preparation purposes. CIP webinars are also available for viewing. Click on the blue button labeled “Start Plan” or “Edit Plan” to access the CIP portal. This year's CIP requires agencies to develop three SMART goals and action plans for implementation in the 2024–25 Program Year. Importantly, at least one of the goals must be technology related. The deadline for submitting the CIP is April 30, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact the AEO at 916-322-2175, or by email at
Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education