CDE Announcements Archive


2024–25 Course Approvals, Letters of Authorization and FAFSA Support (sent July 18, 2024)

This message was sent to all K–12 and County Offices of Education.

Dear Adult Educators:

We are writing to share several items of interest for K–12 and County Offices of Education agencies.

Course Approval for All K–12 and County Office of Education

The Course Approval module of the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site opened on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Please note, changes are coming for the 2025–26 program year, including a course numbering system upgrade and the addition of California Adult Education Program (CAEP) funded non-Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) K–12 agencies. Training will be offered this year to assist agencies with preparing for these changes

If you do not have individual login information for the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site, please contact your Adult Education Office (AEO) Regional Consultant. If you need assistance finding your Regional Consultant, please contact the AEO at or 916-322-2175.

Letter of Authorization for All K–12 and County Office of Education

This is a friendly reminder: if your agency needs CDE approval to establish eligibility for those students to participate in any student financial aid program authorized by Title IV of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1070 et seq.) there is an established process to follow.

Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 52334.7 authorizes the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to certify that regional occupational centers or programs, county offices of education, or adult education programs are legally authorized to operate such programs of training beyond secondary education, when those centers, programs or offices meet the requirements specified in Section 52334.7 of the California EC, as those requirements conform to requirements also specified in federal rulemaking pursuant to sections 600.6, 600.7, and 600.9 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as those sections currently read.

Please follow the process below to request the Letter of Authorization for your agency.

  1. Contact your AEO Consultant
  2. Provide the following supporting documentation:
    1. Catalog of Classes/Courses (electronic format is acceptable)
    2. Letter of Request on your agency’s letterhead with an original signature (a PDF scan of this letter is acceptable)
    3. Proof of Council on Occupational Education (COE) or Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation

FAFSA Support from USDOE For all agencies

The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) invites you to drive and support student completion of the 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Adult education programs play a crucial role in advancing social mobility within our higher education system. It is essential that we all actively promote FAFSA completion to support first-time attendees, currently enrolled students, and previously enrolled students who have earned some credits but have not yet obtained a credential or degree. Completing a FAFSA can unlock additional resources, making education more accessible and affordable. Completing the FAFSA places affordable postsecondary education within reach for thousands of students.

The USDOE is launching a FAFSA Completion Summer Outreach campaign. We hope you will join this initiative! You can use this folder of FAFSA Completion promotional resources. They are calling for a united effort to remind students to complete the FAFSA and reinforce that there is still time to access financial aid for classes this fall.

Adult education programs are key partners in this effort, given the high percentage of Pell-eligible students you serve. Please consider different ways your program could support FAFSA completion to reach current and prospective students this summer:

  • Conduct FAFSA promotional campaigns and completion events.
  • Coordinate with local and community-based organizations to host their students.
  • Enlist current students as Summer Peer Mentors who can assist with FAFSA completion and enrollment.
  • Engage in public outreach via social media.

Thank you for considering participating in and promoting a successful Summer FAFSA Outreach campaign.

If you have any questions, please contact the Adult Education Office by phone at (916) 322-2175 or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education