CDE Announcements Archive


Grant Budgets, EARN Webinar, Intake Survey and More! (sent September 10, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:

With the program year in full swing, we continue to celebrate the incredible work that you do in the field of Adult Education. Your dedication to helping learners achieve their goals and make a positive impact on their communities is truly inspiring. This communication includes an update for two grant deliverables; as well as some added resources available in our field.

This email contains the following information:

  1. Grant Award Notifications
  2. Grant Budget is due September 15
  3. Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans Webinar
  4. Profile Updates via Outreach and Technical Assistance Network Membership
  5. 2024–25 Student Intake Survey
  6. New Administrator Orientation

Grant Award Notifications

Signed Grant Award Notification (GAN) documents were due August 31, 2024. If you have not already signed and returned your GAN through the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting website (reporting site), please do so now. Remember to drop the original hard copy in the mail to the California Department of Education (CDE).

If your agency has not yet returned its signed GAN, or requested a due date extension, this grant requirement is considered overdue. Requesting an extension helps to maintain a good standing status for this grant. Agencies in a good standing status submit all deliverables in a timely manner and demonstrate compliance with all federal and state requirements. We recognize that some factors such as the next regular school board meeting, or emergency situations such as wildfires, may be outside your control. Communication with the Adult Education Office (AEO) lets us know you are working towards meeting the grant requirements but need an adjustment for such factors.

Agencies still awaiting an amendment to their initial GAN can expect to receive their updated GAN very soon. Those amendments are pending final approvals, and the AEO will reach out to your agency’s Adult Education Director by email when your GAN is ready.

Agencies with administrative issues will need to clear up the item before a GAN may be released. If you do not see a file loaded in your account and your agency is unaware of any pending issues, please reach out to our office for additional information.

Grant Budget is due September 15

The Grant Budget deliverable is due by Sunday, September 15, 2024. This is an electronic only deliverable; a hardcopy is not required. If you are unable to meet this due date, please reach out to your Regional Program Consultant to request an extension. Include the proposed specific date to extend the deadline, the reason(s) for the extension, and what steps your agency will take to meet the proposed deadline. New administrators with questions about preparing a budget or entering the information in the online module will find helpful information and step by step guidance in the Resources document, WIOA Navigating the Grant Budget.

Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans Webinar

Celebrate Adult Education and Family Literacy Week with the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) project! Join a webinar on September 17, 2024, to dive into EARN's new resource, A Guide to Using an Immigrant Integration Approach in Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE).

This webinar will encourage participants to consider how to use the new guide to improve understanding of immigrant integration and how the approach can improve outcomes for multilingual and immigrant learners.

Preview the guide and bring your questions or learn about the guide with the EARN project team!

Title: Using an Immigrant Integration Approach in IELCE
Time: September 17, 2024, from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET/11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT

Register now!

Profile Updates via Outreach and Technical Assistance Network Membership

Is the name of your organization showing up blank when registering for classes through the Professional Development Calendar? You can fix that! To update the Agency Name on your Outreach and Technical Assistance (OTAN) Membership, please go to the OTAN website at Select the "Join OTAN / Login" link in the upper left area of the screen. Login to your account with your email address and password. Select the "My Account Details" link from the left menu, and then select the "Edit Membership Details" button at the bottom of the page. Update the value in the Agency Name text box and select the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page."

2024–25 Student Intake Survey

Are you looking for your agency’s annual Student Intake Survey results? The 2024–25 updates were released in July and are located within the Survey dashboard of the reporting site.

New Administrator Orientation

For those registered for New Administrator Orientation 2024, you should have received two notifications regarding course materials and the virtual meeting link by email. We are looking forward to sharing more about the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA grant with you and encourage you to access the course materials in advance of the event. It will be a very full but informative session.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please reach out to the AEO by telephone at 916-322-2175 or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education