CDE Announcements Archive
WIOA 2024–25 Grant Award Notifications and Cert Letters (sent August 2, 2024)
2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)
Dear Adult Education Administrator:
The Adult Education Office (AEO) is pleased to announce the release of funding for the 2024–25 Program Year. Additional details are outlined below. We have included other time sensitive updates to share with you in this message as well. The AEO will continue to send notifications and resources as they become available.
This email contains the following information:
- Grant Award Notifications
- Due Date Change: Official Payment Point Certification Letter
- Welcome Back Video
WIOA, Title II: AEFLA 2024–25 funding results posted to the California Department of Education (CDE) website on July 19, 2024. Program and Accountability Requirements, including due dates for upcoming deliverables, will be available soon on the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page. Grant Award Notifications (GAN) have been released and are now available electronically through the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting website (reporting site).
Agencies in good standing will find a file available for immediate download. Agencies with administrative issues will need to clear the issue before a GAN may be released. If you do not see a file loaded in your account and your agency is unaware of any pending issues, please reach out to our office for additional information.
GANs are to be returned through the reporting site by August 31, 2024. Drop the original hard copy in the mail to the CDE.
Action Steps:
- Read the directions on the GAN webpage of the reporting site.
- Download and read the CDE Award Letter. This letter explains the process used in determining this year’s award amounts.
- Download and sign the GAN. A wet ink authorized signature is required, and the document may not be signed electronically.
- Scan, upload, and return the signed GAN in the reporting site by August 31, 2024. Drop the original in the mail to the CDE.
- The AEO will review and accept the signed GAN before providing access to the electronic budget. Be proactive – prepare your budget outside of the application. The Budget Instructions are available in PDF format through the Budget and Claim section of the reporting site.
- Review due dates for the GAN, Budget, and First Quarter Expenditure Claim Reports on the Deliverables Summary section of the reporting site.
Please reach out to your assigned AEO Fiscal Analyst if you have any questions about the grant award.
The due date for the 2023–24 Official Payment Point Certification Letter has been extended to August 15, 2024. Letters are still being distributed and this extension provides time for review and response. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact your CASAS Specialist.
Kick off the new year by sharing the 2024–25 Welcome Back Video with your adult education team! This short video is appropriate for ALL staff and will help start the school year in a positive, uplifting manner.
If you have any questions regarding this notification, or are unsure how to reach a designated individual, please reach out to the AEO by telephone at 916-322-2175 or by email at
Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education